Caught in the lying trap? How to stay true to yourself and keep your chin up

Some families seem to live a dream life in which everything is happy, perfect, and beautiful. Their jobs are fulfilling and they keep getting promotions and raises. Their children are uber compassionate and the best athletes/musicians/artists with top grades and honors. Their vacations are picturesque with perfect weather.  They always look flawless in every photo with brilliant, white smiles. Money is never an issue as they always have the newest of everything.

How do I know if my child has a healthy weight?

Talking about the weight of our children can be difficult for multiple reasons. Cultural factors, family genetics, lifestyle habits, and many other dynamics influence our ability to evaluate weight objectively. Often times, it is difficult to judge weight in children because their bodies are growing and changing every day.

Can’t take it anymore? Four steps to create Pockets of Sanity

Living abroad can create lots of stress on the family. Here are four easy techniques to relax and recharge when stress levels rise.

Living abroad can put a tremendous amount of stress on the family, especially the head of the family. Most often one family member is off to his or her place of employment each day doing the job that brought the family abroad. The other half of the couple is in charge of getting everyone settled and managing the day-to-day needs of the family in a foreign environment. This family member is forced to be out in the local culture, balancing personal values and norms with that of the host culture. Normally there is a discrepancy what the person anticipates and what they encounter in a new environment that causes a variable level of friction.

5 hábitos educativos para mejorar la salud de los niños

La prevención es uno de los mejores sistemas para proteger la salud de toda la familia y, sobre todo, de los niños. Los hábitos de higiene, el cuidado dental, una buena alimentación e hidratación diaria son los pilares en los que se fundamenta una buena salud, que puedes mimar siguiendo estos 5 hábitos educativos para mejorar

How to get your child to eat without a fight

Fighting to get a child to eat is a common family struggle. Luckily, parents can use a no-nonsense approach to avoid struggles over food while reinforcing good behaviors so children learn to have a healthy relationship with food and mealtimes.

When food becomes a tool to create stress or anxiety in a family, the rhythm of the family is disturbed. Since food is a common element of life, having conflict over food means there is constant conflict in the family. Yet, there are ways to stop the struggle and enjoy food and family time.

5 tips parents can use today to take charge and feel good about discipline

Is disciplining your child a parenting dilemma for you? Here are five guiding principles to safely and effectively discipline your child. Additionally, a short list of activities that parents should avoid using as discipline are given because they may permanently hurt a child physically, emotionally, or psychologically.

How much screen time is safe for kids?

Ever wonder how much time kids should spend in front of screens either texting, watching YouTube videos, or playing online? Here are some research-based guidelines to make smart choices for your child.

Is your child prepared to launch? How to support your child in ‘letting go’ before moving

Are you sure your child is prepared to move into a new school or home? Have you ever wondered how to support your child in letting go before moving? This article takes you through the process.

When a move is approaching, it’s natural to be focused on the location where you will be landing. Many important decisions and choices need to be made, such as where to live, what schools to attend, which house to buy or rent, etc. However, it is also important not to overlook tying up the experience for children at the launch site – the place you are leaving.

Are You Living a Sustainable Life? 3 Easy Steps to Prevent Taking a Fall

Feeling swept away with all the “extras” of the expat lifestyle? These 3 steps will help maximize the experience and create sustainable lifestyle habits while living abroad, or heading back home.

Living abroad brings lots of challenges, but it can also bring great rewards. Relocation may trigger larger wages, a bigger house, free private schooling, upscale neighborhoods, and perhaps more disposable income. Additionally, relocation may also provide in-home services such as a housekeeper and chauffer.