MasterClass: Breastfeeding Bootcamp

Welcome to the Breastfeeding Bootcamp!

Get ready to embark on a beautiful journey with our Breastfeeding Bootcamp! Our course features 15 inspiring video lessons designed to support you before and during breastfeeding.

Join us in the Breastfeeding Bootcamp course to set the stage for a successful and fulfilling breastfeeding journey. Let's make this special time a little easier and a lot more rewarding!

Welcome to the Breastfeeding Bootcamp!

Get ready to embark on a beautiful journey with our Breastfeeding Bootcamp! Our course features 15 inspiring video lessons designed to support you before and during breastfeeding. 

Whether you’re a first-time mom or welcoming another bundle of joy, we know breastfeeding can be challenging. Each baby is unique, and every pregnancy brings new experiences.

Our expert-led videos will guide you step-by-step, helping you navigate common breastfeeding issues and find solutions that work. Learn how to make the most of this precious time to create an unbreakable bond with your baby.

Discover the Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mom and Baby!

Breastfeeding is a win-win for both you and your baby! Here’s why:


  • Nature’s Perfect First Food: Colostrum, your first milk, is packed with nutrients and antibodies, giving your newborn a powerful immune boost right from the start.
  • Breastmilk Timeline: Understanding when your milk comes in helps you navigate those first days with confidence, ensuring your baby gets the nourishment they need.
  • Health Benefits for Baby: Learn how breastfeeding supports your baby’s digestion, reduces the risk of infections, and promotes healthy growth and brain development.
  • Health Benefits for Mom: Find out how nursing helps your body recover post-birth, lowers risk of hemorrhage after birth, reduces the risk of certain cancers, and burns extra calories.
  • Bonding and Attachment: Discover how breastfeeding fosters a strong emotional connection, creating a secure and loving bond between you and your baby.

Embrace the breastfeeding journey for a healthier, happier start for both you and your little one!

Get Ready for Breastfeeding Success Before Your Baby Arrives!

Preparing for breastfeeding before your little one arrives can set you up for a smooth start. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Minimal Shopping: You only need a few essentials to get started. Keep it simple!
  • Pre-Delivery Breast Check: Find out how to look at your breasts and nipples to spot any potential issues early on and learn how to tackle any challenges.
  • Consider Past Surgeries or Breast Modifications: Learn how implants, nipple piercings, or a history of breast surgery (like a breast reduction), might influence breastfeeding. Knowing in advance helps in planning.
  • Know Your Nipple Type: Knowing what to do if your nipples are protruding, flat, folded, dimpled, or inverted can help address any challenges and ensure successful breastfeeding.

Take these steps now for a confident and prepared breastfeeding journey from day one!

Starting Off Right: What to Do After Baby Arrives

Welcome your baby and start breastfeeding smoothly with these essential tips:

  • Start Early: Learn that putting your baby to the breast as soon as possible helps kickstart milk production and bonding.
  • Feed on Demand: Find out why, in the beginning, it’s important to feed your baby whenever they show hunger cues.
  • Perfecting the Latch: A good latch is crucial, but takes practice. Learn how to approach this calmly and confidently. The power of patience, with yourself and your baby, is key.
  • Check Baby for Tongue-Tie: Discover this frequently overlooked assessment that causes nipple damage and prevents proper milk intake, and how to ensure it doesn’t happen to you.
  • Room-In: Learn the positive reasons to stay in the same room as your baby, if possible. Both you and your baby will benefit.
  • Feeds Before and After Procedures: Understand the importance of feeding your baby before and after any medical procedures.
  • Cabbage Relief: This old-school remedy can be a lifesaver to new breastfeeding moms. Find out why a cold cabbage in the refrigerator is beneficial.
  • Rooting Reflex: Learn to see your baby’s rooting reflex because it’s a sign they’re ready to eat.
  • Special Cesarean Section Considerations: If you had a C-section, you might need extra help and different positions to get comfortable while breastfeeding. Learn what you need to know to support your breastfeeding success.

These tips will help you and your baby have a successful and comfortable breastfeeding experience right from the start!

Your First 24 Hours: Breastfeeding Guide

Welcome to the first day with your baby! Here’s how to continue breastfeeding successfully:

  • Window of Alertness: Recognize this window of opportunity to capture your baby’s initial interest in breastfeeding.
  • Frequent Feeds: Learn why it’s important to feed your baby every 1-3 hours and assure they eat at least 8 times every 24 hours.
  • The Power of Colostrum: Find out why we call this “liquid gold” and learn the health benefits it has your new baby.
  • Feeding Duration: Discover the range of time it takes newborns to eat and what you need to watch for while they are at the breast to assure they are getting adequate nutrition.
  • Mom’s Position: Learn the most comfortable positions to use to breastfeed, whether sitting or lying down.
  • Baby’s Position: Learn the 4 main holds: Cross-over, Football, Cradle, and Side-lying, and their variations.
  • Getting a Good Latch: Breastfeeding is all about the latch. Learn step-by-step the process to assure the latch is good for you and your baby.
  • Ending a Feed: Gently breaking the suction after a feed is essential to avoid nipple pain and damage. Find out the best way to keep baby relaxed and comfortable while safely breaking the latch.

These tips will help you and your baby kickstart a successful breastfeeding journey in those crucial first 24 hours!

What to Expect: Breastfeeding Days 2-4

Navigate Day 2 through Day 4 of breastfeeding with confidence! Here’s what to expect:

  • Waking Baby: Learn how to gently wake your baby to eat. Frequent eating is essential to reduce the risk of jaundice. And how to identify when your baby is sleeping too much and you need to call the doctor.
  • Diaper Count: Learn how to track wet and dirty diapers to assure your baby is well-fed.
  • Stool Color: Recognize the changes and progression in stool color (black, green, brown/yellow) to assure your baby is safe.
  • Breast Comfort: Learn to manage common discomforts, like engorgement and sore nipples to keep breastfeeding on track and pleasant.
  • Milk Production: Your milk will start coming in, so don’t worry if your breasts feel fuller, heavier, or begin to leak. Find out what new body sensations you may feel and how they can be easily managed with the right information.

Stay attentive and proactive during these early days to set a strong foundation for successful breastfeeding!

The Act of Breastfeeding: A Complete Guide

Breastfeeding can be a beautiful bonding experience. Here’s how to make it smooth and enjoyable:

  • Recognize Hunger Cues: Learn how to see and respond to your baby’s early signs of hunger.
  • Achieve a Good Latch: A proper latch ensures better milk flow and reduces nipple discomfort. Learn how to get a good latch, step-by-step.
  • Monitor Feeding: Find out why watching your baby while they eat is important. Learn what to look at and what you want to see as they breastfeed.
  • End Feeds Gently: Learn how to recognize when your baby is done eating and how to break the suction gently to avoid nipple pain and discomfort.
  • Reduce Gassiness: Find out why burping is still important with a breastfed baby. Learn new techniques to burp your baby effectively to minimize gas, maximize milk intake, and keep them comfortable.

Follow these tips to create a positive and nurturing breastfeeding experience for both you and your baby!

Being Real: Honest Truths 

Breastfeeding is a natural, beautiful experience—but it’s not always easy. Here’s what you need to know:

  • A Learned Skill: Breastfeeding takes time and practice for both mom and baby to learn. Find out how long, on average, it takes for mom and baby to find their groove.
  • It’s Tiring: It’s not just the frequent night feeds that will make you tired. Learn how milk production demands energy and can make you feel exhausted. But don’t worry, you’ll discover the best ways to manage during this period.
  • It Hurts (a bit) for Everyone: Expect some discomfort in the beginning. Luckily, with proper management and techniques, these issues will fade quickly, leading to a pleasant and enjoyable breastfeeding journey. Discover the keys to overcoming discomfort.

Embrace the learning curve and know that with patience and support, breastfeeding will become a rewarding part of your motherhood journey.

The Most Common Culprits: Common Concerns and Solutions

Breastfeeding comes with its challenges, but here’s how to handle common concerns:

  • Diaper Count Woes: If your baby isn’t meeting the minimum number of wet and dirty diapers each day, learn how to support reaching these goals and know when you will need to call your doctor.
  • Sleepy Baby: Some babies are sleepier than others, that’s normal. But your baby must eat at least 8 times every 24 hours to assure adequate intake. Learn what to do if your sleepy baby isn’t meeting this goal.
  • Hiccups and Spit-Ups: Baby hiccups and spit-ups are normal. Learn how to know when everything is okay and when you need to reach out to your doctor for guidance. 
  • Understanding Weight Loss: It’s normal for babies to lose a small amount of weight after birth, but then they gain it right back. Learn when you must worry about weight loss or failure to regain, and when to seek medical advice.
  • Difficult Latch-On: Learn about the most common barriers to a good latch-on and how to overcome them.

Address these common concerns with confidence and enjoy a smoother breastfeeding journey!

Navigating Breastfeeding Discomforts and Complications

Breastfeeding can sometimes come with a few bumps along the way. Here’s how to handle common discomforts and complications:

  • Nipple Discomfort: It’s important to know that some soreness is common in the beginning. Find out why and what to do if the pain and discomfort continue or worsens.
  • Breast Discomfort: Engorgement and let-down reflex pain are common right after milk production begins. Learn how reduce this discomfort and find out when you need to contact your doctor.
  • Plugged Milk Ducts: Plugged ducts can happen at any time and are easily remedied with the right techniques. Find out what to do when you have a plugged duct, and what to watch out for.
  • Breast Infections: Mastitis is a medical emergency and needs prompt medical attention. Learn to know the signs and what to do to protect your health.

With the right care, these discomforts can be managed, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable breastfeeding experience for both you and your baby.

Partner Power: Supporting Your Breastfeeding Journey

A supportive partner can make all the difference in a breastfeeding journey. Please encourage your partner to watch this (and all) chapter with you. Here’s why:

  • Physical Care: Learn why your partner’s help with household tasks and baby care are important to your rest and recuperation after birth.
  • Emotional Support: Hormonal changes will make things feel big and scary at times. Having a partner who can help provide emotional support can make this transition easier. Find out what emotional support is most needed.
  • Post-Partum Depression: Partners are an important safeguard to notice and seek care when moms are suffering post-partum depression. Knowing the signs that something is wrong helps partners seek care sooner for the benefit of mom and baby.
  • Encouragement: It’s easy to want to quit on a bad day or when you’re feeling exhausted. A supportive partner can help encourage you, find professional support, and help you stay focused on your goal of breastfeeding. Discover ways to support the breastfeeding journey.

Partner support is essential for a positive and successful breastfeeding experience!

Flexibility: Benefits of Breastfeeding & Bottle-Feeding Breastmilk

Pumping and offering a bottle can be a game-changer for breastfeeding moms for many reasons. Here’s why:

  • How to Pump: Learn what types of pumps are available and which is right for you and your needs. 
  • Introducing a Bottle: Find out how and when you can introduce a bottle so that your baby will move between breast and bottle seamlessly. Timing and approach are the keys to success.
  • Increase Milk Supply: Learn how pumping after feeds can boost your milk production.
  • Ease Engorgement: Engorged breasts can be difficult to get a good latch-on. Find out how pumping can relieve engorgement and make it easier for baby to eat. Also, learn how pumping can relieve discomfort if your baby goes on a feeding strike.
  • Monitor Milk Supply: Breasts don’t have a measurement gauge, but it’s possible to know how much milk you’re producing with a breast pump.
  • Work and Travel Freedom: Discover how pumping can help you to return to work or travel without disrupting your breastfeeding goals.
  • Shared Caregiving: Pumping breastmilk and offering a bottle can allow partners, grandparents, and caregivers to help feed baby. Learn the best ways to support your baby’s nutrition while sharing baby care with others.

Enjoy the flexibility and benefits of pumping and bottle-feeding for a more flexible breastfeeding journey!

Pumping Breastmilk: A Quick and Easy Guide

Ready to pump like a pro? Here’s how:

  • Using Your Pump: Knowing how to use a pump properly is the best way to maximize milk collection. Discover the preparation necessary before the first use and how to position the flanges on your breasts to get the best result.
  • Timing is Everything: Learn when to pump to yield the most milk as well as how long you need to pump for different goals – to soften engorged breasts, to increase milk supplies, or to know how much milk you are producing.
  • Size Matters: Learn how to choose the right size flange and what warning signs you need to know because pain has no place in pumping.
  • Stimulate Let-Down: It can be hard to relax while pumping to permit the let-down reflex to occur. Discover how to relax and support the let-down reflex while pumping.
  • Pump and Dump: After pregnancy, many women want to enjoy an alcoholic beverage. Learn the rules to safely pump and discard breastmilk that has alcohol in it to protect your baby.

Pumping can be a simple and effective way to make your breastfeeding journey more flexible!

Breastmilk Storage Made Easy

Proper storage of breastmilk ensures it stays nutritious and safe for your baby. Here’s how:

  • Storage Tips: Learn what can be used to safely store breastmilk as well as what quantities reduce waste.
  • Where to Store: Find out how long you can keep breastmilk fresh whether you are storing it on the countertop, refrigerator, freezer, or freezer chest (deep freeze).
  • FIFO: Learn the conservation rule of First In-First Out to reduce waste.
  • Warming and Thawing: Discover the best methods to thaw and warm stored breastmilk to assure nutritional quality and make it inviting for baby.
  • Normal Changes: Breastmilk will change in color and consistency after pumping. Learn the normal changes that do not affect quality or nutrition and learn when you need to discard pumped milk.

Follow these guidelines to keep your breastmilk fresh, nutritious, and ready for your baby anytime!

Introducing a Bottle to Your Breastfed Baby: A Simple Guide

Ready to introduce a bottle to your breastfed baby? Here’s how:

  • Nipple Match: Find out how to choose a bottle nipple that mimics your’s in size and shape for a smoother transition.
  • Flow Rate: Learn how to select a bottle nipple with the right flow rate to match your baby’s feeding pace.
  • Partner’s Role: To make the transition easier, discover why it’s important for mom not to introduce the bottle. Learn who is best to start the bottle with baby to avoid confusion.
  • Slow Exploration: Patience is important. Find out why it may take some time for your baby to understand how to use the bottle. Learn how to support your baby in their journey to learning to move between the breast and bottle with ease.

With patience and the right approach, your baby will adapt to bottle-feeding smoothly!

Breastfeeding Evolution

Breastfeeding changes a lot from 2 weeks to 2 months, meaning it gets so much better and easier! However, a few new issues can arise. Here’s what to expect:

  • Spitting Up: Find out why spitting up may emerge and what to do about it.
  • Fussiness & Crying: All babies cry, and some cry more than others. Crying generally peaks at 3 months and then starts to decrease. Learn the best methods to soothe your baby during this time. 
  • Pulling Away from the Breast: Pulling away con occur when there is a sudden and fast let-down of milk. Discover ways to help your baby manage changes in milk flow. 
  • Appetite Spurts: Growth spurts mean sudden hunger. It will seem like your baby wants to eat around the clock. Learn how to support your baby during this time and increase your milk supply to keep up with their appetite.
  • Refusing to Eat: Usually happens around 2 weeks. Find out what to do if this happens to get your baby back on track.
  • Colic: Colic is related to an immature digestive system and usually passes by 3-4 months. Find out how to reduce your baby’s symptoms and make them more comfortable.

Stay flexible and patient during these weeks and remember that these phases are only temporary!

Congratulations on Completing Breastfeeding Bootcamp!

You did it! You’ve completed our breastfeeding course and are now equipped with the knowledge and confidence to make your breastfeeding journey a success. Here’s what you’ve learned:

  • Essential Techniques: From perfecting the latch to managing common issues.
  • Health Insights: Understanding the benefits for both you and your baby.
  • Practical Tips: From pumping and storage to introducing a bottle.

Remember, every breastfeeding journey is unique. Trust yourself, seek support when needed, and enjoy this special time with your baby. You’ve got this, mama! Happy breastfeeding!

Transform breastfeeding into an unforgettable and enjoyable adventure with our video course! For just 99€, discover how to solve common breastfeeding challenges and make the experience smoother and more rewarding for both you and your baby. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to turn breastfeeding into a cherished and stress-free journey. Live the adventure today!