Young children (from 1 to 4 years old)

Babies (from 0 to12 months)

Should you avoid foods during breastfeeding to prevent colic?

Are there certain foods that are best not to eat when breastfeeding to avoid colic? Colic in breastfed babies is a common problem, but not all the cau...

usuario Deanna Marie Mason usuario 31 of October, 2023
Flexible parenting techniques

Early exposure may be the key to helping your child avoid food...

Although food allergies are a common concern for parents, there are recommendations to help reduce the risk of developing severe f...

usuario Deanna Marie Mason usuario 14 of February, 2019
Feel confident and in control

Wondering what values are right for your family? Here’s where ...

You cannot teach your children what you cannot define. Read more to learn how to label your family’s values as an important first step raising happy, healthy, and value...

usuario Deanna Marie Mason usuario 31 of January, 2019
Flexible parenting techniques

Is fruit juice really healthy for my kids?

Lots of parents are looking for ways to help their children eat more fruit as part of a balanced diet. Fruit juice manufacturers and marketing teams have spe...

usuario Deanna Marie Mason usuario 21 of June, 2018
Flexible parenting techniques

Every word you say builds your child’s brain: The importance o...

Talking to your baby can have lifelong benefits All parents know the intense joy of seeing their infant examining their face while they coo and chatter to their b...

usuario Deanna Marie Mason usuario 15 of February, 2018
Flexible parenting techniques

New recommendations for babies, children and teens: How much s...

Technology and digital media are transforming children’s lives Our lives have been transformed by the digital media, wireless i...

usuario Deanna Marie Mason usuario 18 of January, 2018
Flexible parenting techniques

How to really get your baby to sleep through the night: A no n...

There is a safe and effective way to teach your baby to sleep through the night Frequent infant night waking can be detrimental to a family. First, parents become exhausted with the burd...

usuario Deanna Marie Mason usuario 4 of January, 2018
Flexible parenting techniques

Skip the bells and whistles; traditional toys are best for bab...

The best toys for the baby are the traditional ones, without a doubt. A baby’s development is centered on increasing strength and coord...

usuario Deanna Marie Mason usuario 7 of December, 2017
Flexible parenting techniques

When can my child return to school? Part One – Prevention ...

Not all illnesses require that a child be excluded from school. Some only require prevention to avoid spreading the illness to others. Learning some ne...

usuario Deanna Marie Mason usuario 19 of October, 2017
Flexible parenting techniques

How to survive a plane trip with an infant or small child

This knowledge can be horrifying for parents when they must fly with their infant or small children. Luckily, having some basic informa...

usuario Deanna Marie Mason usuario 6 of July, 2017
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