
Feel confident and in control

Being a calm parent helps children learn to stay calm too

To be honest, being a parent can test one’s patience. The stress of daily life and the needs of our children can be overwhelming at times. Additionally, our personality and characte...

usuario Deanna Marie Mason usuario 19 of July, 2018
Feel confident and in control

Tips to stay calm when everything seems to be going out of con...

Being a parent can be tremendously stressful. The constant struggle of getting everyone settled and managing the day-to-day needs of the family can feel o...

usuario Deanna Marie Mason usuario 5 of July, 2018
Flexible parenting techniques

Is fruit juice really healthy for my kids?

Lots of parents are looking for ways to help their children eat more fruit as part of a balanced diet. Fruit juice manufacturers and marketing teams have spent a lot of time and money ...

usuario Deanna Marie Mason usuario 21 of June, 2018
Feel confident and in control

Ouch! Helpful hints to manage summer’s insect bites

As the days grow long and warm, our families begin enjoying all the beauty of nature. Summer is a time full of outdoor activities such as pi...

usuario Deanna Marie Mason usuario 7 of June, 2018
Flexible parenting techniques

Why fathers are important during the first year of life

There are so many changes that happen after the birth of a baby. Parents often feel overwhelmed with the beauty of their child and with all of the care needs of their baby. Historically, moth...

usuario Deanna Marie Mason usuario 17 of May, 2018
Flexible parenting techniques

Why is teen pregnancy still happening? What parents need to kn...

By understand common developmental themes related to sexuality and reproduction throughout adolescence, parents will be able to adjust their messag...

usuario Deanna Marie Mason usuario 19 of April, 2018
Limits and discipline

The importance of avoiding spanking as a child discipline method

Why physical discipline, such as spanking or slapping, is not advisable Specifically, spanking remains associated with increased odds of adult mental and behavioral hea...

usuario Deanna Marie Mason usuario 15 of March, 2018
Flexible parenting techniques

Every word you say builds your child’s brain: The importance o...

Talking to your baby can have lifelong benefits All parents know the intense joy of seeing their infant examining their face while they coo and chatter to their baby. As babies grow, p...

usuario Deanna Marie Mason usuario 15 of February, 2018
Flexible parenting techniques

New recommendations for babies, children and teens: How much s...

Technology and digital media are transforming children’s lives Our lives have been transformed by the digital media, wireless internet access, and the...

usuario Deanna Marie Mason usuario 18 of January, 2018
Flexible parenting techniques

How to really get your baby to sleep through the night: A no n...

There is a safe and effective way to teach your baby to sleep through the night Frequent infant night waking can be detrimental to ...

usuario Deanna Marie Mason usuario 4 of January, 2018
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