Maria Lopez

“No puedo expresar con palabras lo agradecida que estoy de haber podido contar con tu ayuda en nuestra familia. Gracias por todo. Gracias por tolerar mis emails, mis preguntas y las reuniones. Siempre he encontrado consuelo, me he sentido escuchada y siempre has estado dispuesta a ayudar, con la mente abierta, en todos los casos.”

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About the instructor
Proactive Parenting
Deanna Marie Mason PhD
More than 20 years of clinical experience helping families:
Bachelor's Degree in Registered Nursing, Master’s Degree in Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and PhD in Nursing. University professor, patient education specialist, pediatric researcher, published author and reviewer to first-line international scientific journals, continuous philanthropic activity related to health promotion and education, wife and mother of two children.

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